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Orez Taiwan is establisehd in July, 2011 as a foreign investment company specializing German Cosmetic Brand of " Frei". Orez Korea has an exclusive for sales of Frei in Asia market and Orez Taiwan is in charge of all the sales marketing activities in Taiwan. Orez Taiwan will be promoting all the brand of Frei line from Hydroid, Sentstive, Antiaging, Bio and Urea line. Especially Frei Pflege Oil is the number one of market share for Anti-stretch mark in Germany and Korea. Orez Taiwan will expland their market with Frei in soon. 歐瑞斯國際有限公司為一新設立之外資投資公司,專營德國frei品牌之保養品批發零售。frei亞洲區獨家代理權由韓國Orez Korea取得,Orez Taiwan將負責台灣區之銷售,將frei優良的保養品推廣給國內使用者。
流通快訊創立於1992年4月,以「服務流通業的專業情報雜誌、提供零售與供應商交流園地」為發行宗旨,其核心價值和定位如下: ●出版刊物 (1)流通快訊雜誌:每月10、20、30日發行,一年36期。其內容有「國內外流通新聞」、「流通業焦點」、「行銷管理」、「商品專題研究」、「經營管理」、「商品資訊情報」、「店舖調查」、「主題商品調查」、「IT設備」等,為流通業界者在工作上不可或缺的情報誌。 (2)餐飲產業情報:每月10日發行,一年12期。內容包括「產業趨勢」、「經營Know -how」、「新菜提案」、「成功案例」、「國內外餐飲新聞」等,是餐飲業的經營寶典。 (3)台灣地區大型店舖總覽:每年5月出版,為台灣地區主要大型連鎖零售通路之年鑑。 (4)其他刊物:本社不定期出版流通業、餐飲業相關知識書籍。如翻譯自日本日經BP社的「批發商與貿易商大復活」,以及日經餐飲出版社所出版的「生意達人系列漫畫」、「這家店大受歡迎的理由」等。
*INTRODUCTION OF THE PROGAME ELECTRONICS INC. We、The Progame Electronsics Inc. have been established since 1982 with the capital of US$300,000 as an experienced manufacturer of coin、video、amusement machines and their spare parts. We are specialized in export/ import trade of a complete line of amusement products. We have qualified professionals constantly involved in developing new and used amusement machines and offer the best after-services to suit customers』 demands. We look forward to cooperate with the potential factories to make the achievement that will benefits for both of us. * OPERATION PRINCIPLE: 1. Providing educational、safe and comfortable entertainment place for people 2. To break the stereo type of piracy and copy image by establishing the new brand of our own. * OPERATION RANGE: 1. Distributing the various kinds of machines. 2. To investigate and develop new program of the IC board. 3. Trading and modifying the different series of IC board、such as Mary、Fruit and amusement series. 4. Spare parts and materials for wholesale. 5. Various kinds of machines for rent. * MAINTENANCE: 1. Maintain and repair the machine IC board for customers. * POCESS AND COMPOSE FOR SPECIAL CASE: 1. Design and program the entertainment park including association operation. 2. Develop special IC and PC board as required. *MARKET STRATEGY: 1. For Domestic Market-Provide our retailer with products for wholesale and for rent. 2. For Foreign Market-Spread our products through our agencies worldwide market. There are also colorful catalogues available.
公司成立於1992年~目前營業額約2億/年~專營不織布製造銷售~在桃園設有工廠~外銷市場佔總營業額8成。 Taiwan Spunlace (group) Co; Ltd. is the leading professional spunlace manufacturer in Taiwan. With the spirit of achieving the best, we have jointly formed a group of skilled electronic construction engineers, process technicians, product related sales engineers, and planners with substantial knowledge a variety of first-grade quality products. Our perfectly synchronized automated production line and flawless selling system enable us to ensure that the production and marketing functions complement each other. Most of our founder members have experience with non-woven industry or equipment over than 30 years, and they are all the pioneers for spunlacing industry in Taiwan. In1994 we successfully developed the first hydro-entanglement production line, and till now we had set up totally 9 lines in Asia already. These years we concentrated all our spirit on developing hydro-entanglement technology and continuously acquire experience from practical operation. These precious experiences are the key-points to improve and develop the new technology on our production line. Now we had achieved a great success on machine’s performance, stability and capacity. With 250~300 tons high quality output per month, our worldwide customers are distributed in Japan, Korea, America, France, England, Denmark, Australia, Brazil, Turkey, India, Israel, Hong Kong…..etc.
RichEnergy Technology Co., Ltd. was founded in 2009. We strongly believe that, to win reputations and to be a model in this highly-competitive industry, an enterprise must have its irreplaceable expertise and market value. Over the past one year, we’ve been always following the faith we believe to not just improve our expertise, but constantly develop services with innovative values. We’ve been sticking to our insistence and focusing on our core business to meet the market demand and to be more service-oriented. We possess great teams with professional techniques as well as timely and efficient logistics operating system to provide high quality and highly-efficient value adding services. “To be the most reliable and creative local service provider in the high technology industry” is the first goal we set up for ourselves. Through efficient resource integration and localization profession, we expect to fully satisfy customers’ needs and create a win-win situation for both the clients and partnerships.
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遠信國際科技有限公司 個人理財 & 汽車融資/買賣 & 代書服務 ▲免收開辦費,核貸未過件保證不收費▲ 服務用心、誠實可靠、專業知識是焦點財經一直堅持的服務態度 【真薪相貸低利專案貸款】《有薪轉無勞保者,也有專案辦理》 不看銀行信用狀況 法扣.協商..強停.皆可辦理(銀行貸不過可先應急) 有勞保+工作滿一個月即可申請 〈公保、軍保亦可〉 急可當天撥款5-80萬,利率2%起,最高可分60期-讓您貸的輕鬆,繳款更輕鬆 【個人信用貸款】只要有勞保、薪轉、扣繳憑單3擇一即可申辦。 【優質汽車專案貸款】 買車不用頭期款你相信嗎??? 只要身份證+駕照+工作證明即可申辦!還可全額貸款、免頭期款、包含牌照稅、燃料稅、保險、動保設定費,在退盤商價(非營業用車5萬~20萬)~ 【優質低利仕女貸】 勞保+薪轉滿一年即可申請、有薪轉、無勞保皆可、信用瑕疵亦可、高額度、低利息.低手續費...例:10萬/12期/月付10000(本金8334-月利息1666元) 【低利職業軍人貸款】職業軍人役期尚有一年以上男女皆可申辦(信用瑕疵亦可) 【代墊款專案】 民間整合專案:可代償、當舖、錢莊等各類民間借貸,並協助降卡循、負債比過高等以利銀行貸款! 【房地貸款】房屋貸款免財力信用正常就可申請(純銀行房貸) 名下有房屋、土地農地、建地、旱地、工業用地、重劃地、等均可,持分亦可貸。或已有一、二胎皆可辦(信用瑕疵可協辦) ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ 更多詳細的服務項目或是金融方面的問題歡迎來電諮詢焦點財經 24H服務熱線:0930-622852黃先生 (來電請告知為網路客優先辦理) ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ XUITE部落格http://blog.xuite.net/super888man/blog/
期鋒企業社位於桃園市中壢區,營業登記地址:桃園市中壢區仁和里仁德四街12號2樓,期鋒企業社的統一編號:72834591,營業稅籍分類屬於:其他電子設備及其零組件批發,期鋒企業社的負責人是王O期,資本額:10,000元,商業司營業登記狀態:核准設立。 期鋒企業社的地址位於
期宏小吃店位於花蓮縣瑞穗鄉,營業登記地址:花蓮縣瑞穗鄉瑞祥村溫泉路一段236巷1弄12號(限壹樓營業),期宏小吃店的統一編號:31462408,營業稅籍分類屬於:外燴(辦桌)承包,期宏小吃店的負責人是賴期宏,資本額:5,000元,商業司營業登記狀態:核准設立。 期宏小吃店的地址位於
期翔企業有限公司位於桃園市中壢區,營業登記地址:桃園市中壢區中豐北路一段736巷12號,期翔企業有限公司的統一編號:86257367,營業稅籍分類屬於:其他化學原料批發,期翔企業有限公司的負責人是宋O惠,資本額:1,000,000元,商業司營業登記狀態:核准設立 。 期翔企業有限公司的地址位於
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